Thursday, March 24, 2011

"The Topnotcher!" :D

Woooh. Early this afternoon I went to our school for a meeting of the SBG officers and representatives was called by our moderator, Ms. Annie Manla! :) It was 12:45 when I departed from home. 1:07, I arrived at school. A text message from the SBG president was received by me stating that the meeting will be at 2pm. So, I got 43 minutes to wait. While waiting, some of the officers and representatives arrived. I got a bit bored waiting so, I wander around the school (as if we have a big campus, lol!). I went near to the bulletin board where pieces of bond paper/ coupon bond were posted. OMG~ T'was the honors' list! I hurriedly look for the high school department and.... POOF! My name was posted. My heart lifted for joy. Why? Because, I was able to survive until the finals. I wasn't expecting to be in the honors' list again for I was worrying about my Social Studies grade since the previous quarter. Though I was consistent honor from 1st quarter up to the latest, I wasn't expecting to be still in the honors' list and remain my position! The position of being the only honor student in our year level and in our section! YAAAAAAY. I am so thankful! All the PRESSURES and BOMBARDMENT that I have felt were all so worth it! WOOOOH! :DDD

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